How to be Strong, Healthy and Happy

non-fictionself improvementbiographies & memoirshealth & fitnesspsychology

Bob Hoffman

"Part of the success of my work, I believe, has been the result of my willingness to make of myself a human guinea pig, in order to prove on my own body the practicability and truth of the training system and methods of living I advocate. On several occasions in the past I have trained intensively for a period, to prove one of my theories. My special twenty weeks' training which took place in my thirty-fifth year, culminating in the winning of the professional heavyweight lifting championship of America, with an improvement in strength and physique which represented a world's record for physical gains, was convincing proof to many.

Throughout my entire amateur and professional career I have always practised what I preached and have obtained splendid results with the methods I offer to others. Most men who are interested in physical betterment only wish to feel well and to look well. Many thousands of this class have obtained their physical desires with the training system I offer. They and the men who desired and have obtained a symmetrical physique or great strength, have told others. They in turn have told still others until I have become, by a very great margin, the world's leading physical director." -Bob Hoffman